I feel like last week was my first week in a long time where I finally felt back on track running and working out consistently.
I long ran Sunday so Monday I rested and did planks and bridges at home. I’m feeling so much stronger with my planks (more about this later).
Tuesday I planned our day so that I could run with my running group in the evening. Our gym allows for daycare on Tuesday evenings since the group run is part of their weekly workout schedule. With my husband out of town, I finally took advantage of this so I could run outside with friends.
It was a glorious run.

8:42, 8:51, 9:03, 9:06
I just felt good. I felt I could have gone even faster but reeled myself in and made sure I pushed but not too hard.
Wednesday I was back at the gym and tried out my new pair of Asics Cumulus on the treadmill. I’ve been using my Newtons on the road but thought they felt weird on the treadmill. When I bought the Newtons, the other pair in the running (see what I did there) were the Asics and ultimately I chose the Netwons. But remembering this, I went to an Asics Outlet and bought the Cumulus for treadmill running since I knew I’d be doing it a lot more now that my husband is traveling often.
I went for an easy 2 miler and felt fine. It had been easily over a year since I last ran on the treadmill!! I then rode the bike for 20 minutes, more planks, more bridges.
Thursday was a 4 miler on the treadmill. I’ve never minded the treadmill; I know many abhor it, but it’s never been an issue for me. I get caught up people staring or just thinking about random things. Now, they’ve upgraded, and each treadmill has a T.V. I simply put HGTV on and totally zoned out on House Hunters. The miles/time flew by.
Back at the gym on Friday for 30 minutes on the bike, planks, and bridges.
My husband was home for me to run my long run with buddies on Saturday morning and me and Runner Jenny ran 7 miles together. They felt good, they felt easy, and we surprised ourselves with our pace! We had chatted the entire way 🙂
That evening my husband challenged me to a wall sit challenge and I made it to a minute and thirty! He killed me on the plank going for 4 minutes but I did a plank PR at 1 minute and 15! I also love side planking and always do those too 🙂 Overall, it was a fantastic week and I’m feeling like all this gym time cross training and working on my core has helped.
Total miles: 17
–How was your running week?
–What’s your wall sit/plank PR? There’s this girl I follow on Insta, Run Rhea Run, who did a 20 minute plank once!! She’s also ridiculously fast.