School’s OUT for SUMMER!!

If you didn’t already know, I’m a high school English teacher by day. Today is the last day of school and it’s always bittersweet. By this time, I’m anxious for the break but I’m also always sad to see students go. I teach freshmen, sophomores (and some years, juniors) so there’s times when I’ll have a student multiple years. Inevitably, I connect with some and seeing them grow, mature, and develop into young adults makes me so emotionally come graduation. They’re leaving. And I don’t know if I’ll ever see them again.

There’s nothing you can really say to an 18 year old about what awaits them. Life is something you just experience on your own. I worry about the struggles they’ll face, but I’m always hopeful that they’ll stick to what’s right and remember that there’s people that care for them.

That’s what I try to instill in my students. People care about them. And the choices they make not only affect them, but those around them, those that care about them.

Every time my students leave my classroom, I yell out a “Be safe!” They tell me that that is something they remember about me, me constantly telling them to be safe. It makes them feel cared for.

This particular class is special to me. There were a couple of students that I had their freshman and sophomore year and who were my teacher’s assistant their senior year. I’ve become close to them and I’m sad to see them go. Whenever I do have students that I grow particular close with, I always tell them to stay in touch and some do, most don’t. This year I was pinky-sweared and promised that they’d let me know how they’re doing as they embark on their new adventures–one to the Marines, one to an east coast college to play baseball, and another to our state university.

I’m lucky enough to have many, many memories that will stay with me forever and before the seniors left, they managed to leave me (and the rest of their teachers) one more positive memory by way of their senior prank. Instead of doing something immature or detrimental to themselves or the school, they decided to have some fun while helping the community. Outside my room down my hall, a large group of seniors gathered in front of the balcony and proceeded to take off their shoes and throw them to the seniors who had gathered below. They in turn also took off their shoes and it wasn’t too long before we saw shoes everywhere! At first, we weren’t sure what was going on or what the meaning of the prank was but then the seniors explained. They were donating all the shoes to a local homeless shelter! The story even made our local news!

I love my job and I love my school. Like any job, there are tough days, but moments like the senior prank and occasional notes of thanks make it so, so worth it.


I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Anyone stateside have Monday off?? ❤ , helly

–Do you have a teacher that you fondly remember?

Time to party!!

This was the week we’ve all been waiting for. Okay, well not everyone…lol! My family and I are all set to celebrate this little big guy’s FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!

12 months=1 year in case you didn't know :D

12 months=1 year in case you didn’t know 😀

The official day was this past Wednesday and unfortunately, our new 1 year old was home sick 😦 He wasn’t able to face plant himself in chocolate cake then but he’s definitely well enough to give it a go at his party tomorrow 🙂

I wasn’t able to run after Wednesday and Thursday as I was home with my son. Today will be spent taking care of last minute party planning but I’ll be heading out for my long run tomorrow morning before the festivities begin. His birthday theme is Summer Fun, I’m Turning ONE and we’ll have plenty of water activities because, well…

Yesterday's temps...

Yesterday’s temps…

At least it’ll be a cool 108 tomorrow…

giphy I hope you all have a great weekend!! Who’s running, who’s racing??

What’s your favorite way to celebrate your birthday?

More than halfway done!!!


If you’ve been reading the last couple of months then you know that I’m currently on a summer challenge of 100 Days of No Soda. Well, I’m past the halfway point!!!


People have told me that once I’m done, I’ll probably not want to drink soda any more…..yeah……no.

I know it’s sad, but I still crave it. Like, a lot. I’m fairly certain that I won’t drink it as much as I used to–6 to 8 cans a day–but I think if I managed to keep it under 3 that would be enough for me to be content. A breakfast, lunch, and dinner soda. 🙂

I’m pretty proud though that I’ve gone this far without cheating. Not even once. And I’ve really wanted to.

People have asked me why or what my purpose in doing this is. What I wanted to see is how much, if anything, my body changed with marathon training and a healthier diet. And it has! Pre-challenge I had 5 pesky pounds keeping me from my pre-pregnancy weight. Well, 53 days into the challenge, they’re gone. I also feel less heavy in general, like the bad food I was eating was weighing me down.

I knew that by eliminating soda, I would be helping to improve my diet. A lot of what I ate (and okay, still sometimes eat) is fast food, meals that come with a soft drink. Since I’m not drinking soda, I feel less compelled to order a # whatever from a drive thru. Instead, I make something at home and eat it drinking water.

I haven’t replaced soda with anything either. I’m not a tea drinker nor do I like many juices. I’ll have a recovery drink after workouts–I’m currently loving Rockin’ Refuel chocolate milk (I don’t care that some people say it’s not good for you. Chocolate milk is amazing.) and I’ll put Tailwind in my water during runs, but besides that, I’m really just drinking plain ‘ol H2O. I don’t even like lemon wedges or cucumbers in my water. I like just water. I’m seriously a plain Jane when it comes to food.

The challenge will get harder once I get back to work in August. I’m not exaggerating when I say I drank a lot of soda. In my classroom, I have a mini fridge under my desk that I would stock with Coke. No joke.

I’ll tackle that battle when it comes…..

Any habits you have that are/would be tough to break?

What’s your favorite drink to quench your thirst?