Here’s another post title song reference for you (or Ralph 😉 ) to name the singer, lol!
So there’s been a few life changes happening over here in HellyLand with the biggest being a career change for me.
I’m excited to share with all of you that I am now a REALTOR!!!
I’ve written in the past about my tug-of-war with teaching and this last stint was the clincher in which I realized I needed to take a break from it. I absolutely LOVED being an English teacher, but the amount of grading was extremely taxing and overwhelming. And, the politics of it all (I’m in Arizona where we’re the last in the country for student funding) was/is disheartening.
I knew I still wanted to help people because that’s my jam, and I knew that I needed flexibility with scheduling because of my husband’s traveling andplusalso #kids…..I kept coming back to real estate.
It was 6 weeks of schooling, 2 exams, and a ton of money but now it’s official!!

Find me at Homes by Helly on Facebook:)

and at @homesbyhelly on Instagram
I even have my own Facebook and Instagram business page that you can follow if you want to see me looking like a normal person and not in sweaty running clothes, LOL. I feel so professional!!!
With all this newness, it’s no wonder my running has faltered. I’ve shared with you my recent struggles with my motivation towards training (or lack of) and I think it’s because I’ve been so focused on this career change. It does worry me, trying to balance it all, but I’m excited to try something different. If it means that running might need to take a back seat, I think I’m going to have to let it.
That being said, TOMORROW I REGISTER FOR BOSTON!!!!!!! I have a feeling this is going to re-ignite my running fire ❤
Thank you all for staying with me. I know I haven’t been very active here, but I appreciate you continuing to stop by and catch up:)
–Have you gone through a major career change? Did you end up liking it?
–What tips would you give a new realtor? What are some things you liked/disliked about yours?
–Did you catch the singer of this post title? Sorry if you’ll have this song in your head all day, lol!