Hiya!! Last week was a little rough as my little guy caught a stomach bug at the end of the week and he wanted more mommy cuddles than usual (which already is a lot, lol!). So my week started off strong and then weaned out–totally okay, as this is pre-season and all is still right with the training world (i.e. Hanson’s Crazy Method hasn’t started).
Monday, 6/6–6 miles (1 WU, 3 Tempo, 2 CD)
My good friend, I call her Foxy Jen b/c she’s an ardent fundraiser for the Michael J. Fox for Parkinson’s Research, is training for the Chicago Marathon and had this workout planned–for her it was speed work (3×1) but I counted it as tempo as it’s close to my goal marathon pace.
Splits– WU 9:47, 8:17, 8:27, 8:24, CD 9:04, 9:16
Her miles were supposed to be at 8:35 but she was feeling it and I tried to reel her in as best as I could, lol!
Tuesday, 6/7–4 miles easy, 9:00 avg
It was ridiculously hot as I ran these miles at 6 p.m. in what may have only been 95 degree weather; it felt like 105. Speaking of which, this is this week’s forecast:
Despite the heat, it was tough to reel myself in as the miles were still faster than what my easy pace should be. I was happy I was at least consistent.
Splits– 8:58, 8:59, 9:06, 9:00
Pretty impressive, eh?
Wednesday, 6/8–4 miles easy, 39:09 total time
I hit the treadmill for these miles and while it tells me the pace I’m running during the run, I haven’t figured out what my average pace is for the entire run when I’m done. So I just note the total time so I can enter it in Garmin Connect. I do know that I made sure these were truly easy as I had the treadmill setting between the 9:20 and 10:00 minute for the four miles.
Thurdsay, 6/9–4 miles easy, 8:55 avg
I’m finding it hard to run easy when I’m outside since I can’t “control” my pace like on a treadmill.
Splits–9:01, 8:49, 9:01, 8:50
But like I said in last week’s recap, I think once marathon training really starts, and I start doing Hanson’s SOS (Something of Substance) runs, my easy runs really will be easy runs, lol!
Friday, 6/10–Rest Day
This was the first day of little guy being sick
Saturday, 6/11–Rest Day
I had 6 miles planned in the a.m. but little guy was sick all night and morning.
Sunday, 6/12–8 miles: 4 miles run/walk, 4 miles 9:00 avg
I met up with my chapter’s Moms Run This Town group and we had only one mom show up. She had her 4 month old with her and we did a walk/run for 4 miles. It was this mom’s longest workout and she was so happy and proud of herself 🙂
I didn’t feel fulfilled though, as this wasn’t what I had planned and having already had 2 consecutive rest days and a 6 miler that didn’t happen, I needed to run. So I did another 4 around my neighborhood.
Splits–9:33, 8:45, 8:55, 8:47
Total Miles: 22.13
–How was your running week?
–Should I run in today’s 199 degree weather?
–I introduced my kids to Scooby Doo cartoons this week 😀 Did you watch this growing up?
Don’t forget, I still have the FREE entry to the Phoenix Half or Full Marathon going on on my Insta!!