A Look Back at July

Summer is officially over for me this week as next Thursday and Friday I return to work. One of my goals this summer was to really take advantage of the time off and get a good base of running. I wanted to really establish good habits and a routine because I knew once work came, my time would be more limited. If I had already set up a good base, I’d feel more motivated to continue with my training full force.

I am VERY happy with how I did this past month–the first official full month of training. So much so, that exactly what I wanted to happen, happened. I’m so motivated to keep it going with my training 🙂

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A quick look at some numbers

My long runs:

Week 4- 8 miles at 10:07/avg pace
Week 5- 14 miles at 10:02/avg pace
Week 6- 15 miles at 9:57/avg pace
Week 7- 10 miles at 9:58/avg pace

I was very happy to see that I stayed consistent. This training I’ve been really working on making my long slow distance runs, slow. And while a 10 minute average isn’t really all that slow for me, it’s the pace I feel like I could run for a long time. I don’t feel like I’m over exerting myself and so far, I’ve felt like I could’ve kept going each time.

My speed work: (each workout was some variation of a drill that accumulated to 3 miles)

Week 4- 25:53, avg pace 8:37
Week 5- *16:08 avg pace 8:07 (*two miles; I had an allergic reaction)
Week 6- 24:04 avg pace 8:01
Week 7- 24:27 avg pace 8:08

Again, I am very happy with these numbers. Week 4 were mile repeats and Weeks 5-7 were Yasso 800’s (6×800).

Weekly Mileage:

Week 4- 21.83 miles
Week 5- 26. 02 miles
Week 6- 32.36 miles
Week 7- 22.12 miles

Thirty two miles in week 6 was my most ever for a week.

Monthly Mileage:

118.50 miles

I have a very exciting run today (that I’ll share with you once it’s done) that will increase this total mileage by about 5 or 6 miles. This will make it very close to my highest monthly mileage of 124 back in January.

The difference this time though, is that I don’t feel tired. (I was working in January however, so that’s a big factor.) I also think that my nightly rolling has helped my muscles and my Monday cycling days have helped. I cycled once each week, Weeks 4-7.

I have a good feeling going into August and back to work, that I’ll be able to maintain this momentum. I’ve seen my body change, I’ve seen improvements, and that’s all motivation to keep going strong.

This was a great July (even with the heat) 😀

Thanks for a great month, friends!! Here’s to an even better August! ❤ , helly

–How was your month of running?
–What keeps you motivated during your training? Seeing your numbers improve? Consistency with workouts?



Chicago Marathon Training: Week 7 Recap

Whew!! This was a busy week indeed!

If you read Friday’s post, then you know last week was all about birthday party planning for this boy:


His birthday was officially Thursday but we celebrated on Saturday–more on this later 😀

As far as workouts are concerned, I was very grateful this was a scale back week as I needed it. I even cut some of the runs shorter than what was on the schedule. (shh!!!)

I usually get on the bike on Mondays but one of my buddies was looking for a running partner for an easy 6 miler. I told her it’d have to be easy since I had run 15 miles the day before.

We chatted the entire way and even though the pace was faster than my “easy”, it didn’t feel difficult and the time flew by.

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Tuesday morning, I made up my missed bike workout from the day before and got in 45 minutes/10 miles.

In the evening, all of my running friends were busy or had run earlier so I found myself heading over to the local running store solo. I knew there would be others I’d recognize so I wasn’t worried about anything. In fact, I decided since I was by myself, I’d try and run a fast 5k to test out the legs. I knew I wouldn’t get a completely accurate estimate of a 5k race (one, it wasn’t an actual race; two, I had run 15 miles two days before and 6 one day before; and three, it was 100+ degrees out) but I really wanted to gauge where I was for that distance and went for it.

I was running late so when I got to the store, everyone was already getting started. I caught up to the pack and then saw one my friends pushing her daughter (she always does on this run). I decided to keep her in my sights for as long as I could. She’s a total badass and regularly maintains an 8ish average while pushing her stroller! So that was my plan–just keep her in sight. The first mile went by relatively smooth and I felt great at 8:46. I was passing people (she was passing people!) and while I knew I could probably catch up to her, I wanted to keep pace. I was getting closer though and my mile 2 beeped at 8:23. It was a little after mile 2 that I was now right behind her but I knew that she’d finish the last mile strong and I was already struggling a bit. Last mile, 8:22. I’m totally counting that negative split 🙂

This girl though. Total B.A. She's training for an Ironman 70.3.

This girl though. Total B.A. She’s training for an Ironman 70.3.

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Wednesday was speedwork day and I was back at the track for some Yassos. I’m a weird one who really likes doing this drill. For those unfamiliar with Yasso 800s, his theory is that you run an 800 (two times around the track) at the pace you hope to finish your marathon. If you could build up to 10 reps, you should be able to pull off that time or darn close. The best way I’ve seen to do this is:

Between each 800, jog for the same amount it took you to complete a repeat. I like to jog/walk a 400.

Between each 800, jog for the same amount it took you to complete a repeat. I like to jog/walk a 400. For more info, check out this.

It was tough for me that day to hit my marks because again, I was running late and got in only a 400 warm up and had to get going. The first half of my workout I missed my pace goal (which is around 4:00-4:05–NOT my marathon goal time but that’s where I feel the 800s are challenging but not overly difficult/easy).

4:09, 4:10, 4:09

I readjusted and the second half of the workout:

3:59, 4:02, 3:59

It made me feel pretty good that I was able to end the workout better than the beginning.


It had been four days of hard running that by the time Thursday rolled around, I found myself clicking the snooze button for the 5 at 5 alarm I’d set. I needed/wanted the rest. Plus, it was my son’s official birthday and doing this was much more fun:


Fridays are my typical rest days and while I didn’t run, I was busy party planning for my little guy’s party the next day.

I had 10 miles scheduled for my long run Saturday morning and I woke up at 3:30 for a 4 a.m. start time. (Seriously, who am I?)

I ran 4 with some friends and then made it back to meet up with the 5 a.m. starters for another 6. I picked up the pace towards the end on the second go around and finished with the last two miles at 9:30 and 9:07. I’ve been liking finishing the long run strong and getting the legs moving while they’re tired.

The temp at 4 a.m.

The temp at 4 a.m.

Later that afternoon, it was party time!!! Several of my friends joked how I should have worn a Fitbit or something to track my steps. I was a busy mom that day!!!




Overall, it was a great week with less mileage than usual (22.12) but I was happy I got some good workouts done.

How was *your* week? Are you a chocolate cake fan? Have a great Monday, amigos! ❤ , helly

–Do you ever test out your 5k pace on your own?

–Are you a fan of Yasso 800s?

Chicago Marathon Training: Week 6 Recap

We are officially 1/3 of the way through training!!

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Monday was my usual 45 minutes on the bike. I did some core strength training after but nothing too exciting.

I did double duty on Tuesday though, meeting up with the 5 at 5 crew in the morning and then with a local running store group in the evening.

The morning run was a double whammy of heat and humidity. Seriously, it was 5 in the freaking morning!! But I was still able to pull off negative splits and that made me really happy. Especially that last mile–8:49! I’ve been seeing a few 8s as of late and it’s making me do happy dances like whoa.


In the evening I was back at it for a quick 3 miler. And it was quick as my splits ended up being 9:40, 8:59, 8:48–again, those 8s!! 😀

It was Newton demo night and I tried on a pair of Kismets for this run. I actually liked them and am very much intrigued. Anyone run in Newtons? Tell me everything.


Wednesday morning found me doing some more core strength training and then I hit the track in the evening for some speed work.

It was Christmas in July and I wasn’t sure which direction on the track I should go….


The plan called for 6x800s again and this time I was able to complete all of them with no allergy attack interruptions.

4:02, 4:05, 4:00, 3:59, 4:00, 3:58

I am very, very happy with these times.

I was starting to feel the fatigue of the double on Tuesday and the evening speed work on Wednesday that waking up for the 5 at 5 Thursday morning took all the energy and convincing…yet I somehow managed to crawl out of bed and get my butt on the road.

A friend (riding the struggle bus with me) and I decided we’d do 4 instead of 5 and it was the best decision ever. We decided to take it super easy too at a 10:26 average. Both of us had plans to run again later that evening, meeting up with the rest of our run club for that month’s Road Runner Adventure Run.

The theme was beach/pool:

I'm the one modestly trying to cover my coconuts ha!

I’m the one modestly trying to cover my coconuts ha!

We ran a little over 2 miles in our get up and rode the water slide again 😀

We didn’t win anything in the raffle but we had a blast nonetheless.

Friday was a major rest day. Two double runs in one week–I needed it, especially because

Saturday was Breakfast Burrito Day!!!

I was very close to reaching my #TeamRMHC charity goal so I decided to hold a fundraiser to get me over my goal amount. One of my friends in my run club had several ideas for me and ultimately I decided anything related to food would be best.

My run club has several hundred members in it, with about 80-100 really active ones. I posted on our Facebook page that I would be holding a burrito sale after our Saturday morning run and that I’d be taking pre-orders. Holy macaroni do people like their burritos!! I had 40 pre-orders on that post!!

I met up with them at 5 to see how far people were going (to gauge burrito delivery). Most were doing 8+ so I had plenty of time to get to burrito making.

My husband had ran 15 miles but started at crazy o’clock so he could help and my mom was manning the kitchen and together we cooked and rolled burritos. The tortillas were on the small side so we decided to make two smaller burritos for each order. In all, we ended making over 120 burritos!! We had a blast and kept saying how much fun this was lol!

My run club brought chairs and plopped themselves in the parking lot to eat their breakfast after their run and we ended up having a burrito tailgate party.

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We raised over 400 dollars!!! Burrito sale success!!!

Since I was on burrito duty Saturday, I had to move my long run to Sunday. I had 15 on the schedule and knew I had to get an early start. I decided I’d meet up with my MRTT ladies and ran 3 miles to our meet up location. Then, with my buddy Jennifer @We’reRunningAMarathon?, I ran another 7. And finally, I ran a 5 mile route back home. It was an interesting run as I had several stops within, but I felt good the entire way and managed to stay in my 10:00/mile long run pace.


This was my biggest weekly mileage at 32.36. Luckily, I’m feeling pretty good and not fatigued with the increase in mileage…yet, ja! 🙂

How was your week? I hope you have a great Monday!! ❤ , helly

–How do you handle heat and/or humidity?
–Do you like doing two-a-day runs?
–Are you a breakfast burrito fan?