100th Post=Pro Compression Socks Giveaway!!

It’s crazy that I’ve reached the 100th post milestone. Technically this is 101, but hey, I’m in the triple digits 🙂

So in celebration, I’m giving a away a pair of socks!

Cue memories of opening Christmas presents and being sad when they were socks.


These aren’t any random pair of socks though. These. Are. Awesome!

You might have heard of compression socks and the benefits of wearing them. They help increase blood flow in your legs, reduce swelling and inflammation, and are great for muscle recovery. I’ve been known to wear my sleeves under my pants during winter lol!

So I’ve tried the sleeve version of compression socks–these you slip them on over your feet so it hits around your ankle. (This is no easy feat by the way–sorry, couldn’t help myself. I’ll be here all week.)

Calf Sleeve (Source)

Calf Sleeve

My good friends at Pro Compression sent me the regular sock version to try out and I was so very excited.

Here I am sporting them at the track:


I’m not usually a bright color gal but I LOVE these. I like to think of them as Phoenix Suns orange (who didn’t make the playoffs by the way 😦 )

Wanna try a pair? Want to OWN a pair? Enter for a chance to score some sweet Pro Compression socks in the color of your choice!

First, make sure you click on the Rafflecopter link below. Then, comment on how you like to recover after a run or race. (I love to kick my pro compression clad legs up and drink a coke)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more entries:

1. Like Helly on the Run on Facebook.
2. Like PRO Compression on Facebook.
3. Follow Helly on the Run on Twitter.
4. Follow PRO Compression on Twitter.
5. Tweet about the giveaway.
6. Follow Helly on the Run on Instagram.

Good luck! And hey, everyone’s a winner here. If you want your socks NOW, use the code BLG14 at checkout for 40% off! Go to their website and start shopping 🙂 Be sure to check out their Sock of the Month at the bottom of their homepage and sign up for great deals!

Fine print:
The giveaway will on Tuesday at midnight and I’ll announce that morning.
Ships U.S. only
Void where prohibited by law


I did receive my socks courtesy of Pro Compression. My opinions on their product are honest and forthright. I have tried other similar products but wholeheartedly prefer Pro Compression for the quality.

Week Roundup and Shwings Giveaway Winner!

Last week was getting-back-to-routines week. I was exhausted from our trip to Ohio–traveling with two under two is no joke.

We got back on Monday night and Tuesday was my usual 10k Tuesday run.

Wednesday I was back on the track and shocked myself with a few things.



It wasn’t a continuous run so I have to put that disclaimer. The drill consisted of a 1600, followed by 2×800, followed by a 1600. I threw in the extra .1 for good measure 🙂 Between each set was a 30 second rest. Regardless, I was verrrry pleased with how I did. I truly think incorporating speed work has helped me improve immensely as a runner. That was my fastest 5k and my fastest mile to date.

Wednesday was also a special day because my daughter turned 2!! I no longer can say I have two under 2 lol! Dad was out of town on a work trip so we just hung out and had lunch. We had her birthday party while we were with family in Ohio–Sesame Street themed since she’s currently obsessed with Elmo 🙂


Thursday, I was back at the gym on the bike for 10 miles.

Friday was a much needed rest day and Saturday I planned for a long run of 8 miles.

I started of the run aiming for negative splits. The first mile was in the mid 9s and each mile was falling under and under. When I reached mile 6, I decided to push it a little to finish strong. I was motivated by a cool guy in my running group who was slowly increasing his speed as well. I figured I’d try and stay as close with him as I could to the end.

We were going strong and I could feel myself work. I looked down at my watch and it read 6.66. Nice, almost at mile 7.

I’ve said this before that I run mostly the same routes all the time so I know where pretty much each mile is. We reached mile 7 but no beep from my watch. Yep, it froze again.

I was SO bummed. I had pushing it hard and really wanted to see what that mile split was. I tried moving screens and nothing. The time was ticking but the distance wasn’t moving. I finally stopped the watch and restarted and then it was back to “normal”.

By that time we were almost done and we sped up to really finish strong. My running buddy wasn’t wearing a watch so I didn’t know what my final time was but I know that it was good. I felt it.

I tried really really hard to not let it get to me. I know we shouldn’t get hung up on times but it really helps motivate me to see the numbers. Two friends finished behind me and I tried to gauge my time by theirs. I guesstimated the last two miles of the total 8 to be around the 8:15ish pace. Awesome for me at the end of a long run.

On Sunday I was back on the trails. My running group had a 14+ mile trail run on the agenda. It was a super tough run but it was an absolute gorgeous day and we had a large group. That always helps. 🙂 My watch froze again–I didn’t even let it phase me.; I wasn’t concerned with time on this run. I stayed with a group the entire way and our total at the end was 14.76 miles.


View of Phoenix, AZ

View of Phoenix, AZ

So, overall total mileage for the week (Mon-Sun): 32.07 miles

And now….for the Shwings winner 🙂




Yay Yesenia!! Check your e-mail inbox for important info.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

–How was your running week last week?

–Any big (or small) races coming up?

A Part Of Something New

While on vacation this past weekend, I got some good news via e-mail.

A few months ago, I applied to become an Athleta Esprit de She ambassador. This women’s community is connected to my gym–Lifetime Fitness and I’d see ads about races and events every time I went. I saw one last year for a 10k and wanted to sign up but I was pregnant (for what felt like eternity lol!)

I was reminded about that same 10k in January during one of my gym visits and immediately signed up when I got home. As I was filling out the entry, I saw on the website they had an ambassadorship program and I jumped at the chance.

And I was chosen!


I have loved being a part of athletic communities, especially ones made for and by women. No offense dudes, I like hanging out with you too but there’s something empowering about a whole bunch of girls working hard towards a goal who like doing the same things you do. Who are working moms, stay at home moms, wives, sisters, who have a busy life yet do whatever they can to make sure they take time out for themselves. It’s just awesome to see.

The Esprit de She event series consists of 5Ks, 10Ks, triathlons, duathlons, and cycle tours. I’ve always wanted to do a tri but am not the best swimmer in the world. The duathlon that Esprit de She puts on is absolutely perfect: a 1.5 mile run followed by a 12.4 mile bike ride followed by a 1.69 mile run.

I won’t be able to do it this year because of the Canyon but it’s on the top of my list for next. (I did sign up for the series 1ok in October though.)

Another one of the reasons I love this community is that its official charity partner is Girls on the Run. Girls on the Run is a youth development program geared at girls 3rd through 8th grade. It’s focused on building confidence through physical activity with the goal of preparing girls mentally, emotionally, and physically to finish a 5k put on just for them. It’s something I’ve wanted to become a part of and am much looking forward to.

You don’t have to be an ambassador to participate in Girls on the Run. Check out their website for details on how you can become a part of something awesomely inspiring.

While you’re surfing the web, check out dates for Esprit de She events near you! (U.S. only) If there’s an event you’re interested in, type in the code EDS68. Unfortunately, there’s no discount involved–EdS events are pretty reasonably priced though–but it does help track referrals).

Happy Friday Eve!!

–Are you a part of a running or athletic community?

–Have you ever done a triathlon or duathlon?

Don’t forget that the Shwings giveaway is happening right now! Go here for the chance to score a free pair 🙂

My shiny silver Shwings :)

My shiny silver Shwings 🙂