Happy Friday!!! I’m linking up with the DC Trifecta ladies Cynthia, Mar, and Courtney for today’s Friday 5 Good Things.
And thankfully, there’s a lot of good going on 😀
1. Drugs
Whoa, whoa, whoa, before anyone gets the wrong idea, let me remind you that I’ve been sick forever for a long time. I finally made my way to a doctor who prescribed me some medication and YAY!! I’m finally feeling better.
2. My first run back
Because of the aforementioned good thing, I was finally able to go out for a run after a 10+ day hiatus. It wasn’t the best run ever, but it felt sooo good to get back out there. My husband joined me so it made the run even better.
I’ve mentioned that I’m a part of several running groups, but right now I’m especially happy with how the Moms Run This Town group I lead is progressing. I started our local chapter about a year ago and picked up my buddy Jennifer@We’re Running a Marathon along the way to help co-lead. And despite still being relatively new, we’ve grown our young group to almost 100 members!
And it’s not just about the numbers. There have been several meet-ups and group runs and great conversations and it’s just been awesome. Starting something and having no idea how it will turn out only to see it going well is def a GOOD thing 😀

Check out the main website for an MRTT group near you! (sorry dudes, girls only)
4. A surprise in the works
I’m so pumped!! I’ve mentioned I think a while back, how my brother has picked up running. Last year, my brother, sister, and I ran our first (and my brother’s first) sibling 5k.
Since then, he’s been a running machine!
Like for real. My (former) 300lb, 6’2 brother has lost 50 pounds!!! FIFTY!! He’s been running and cross training and most recently, almost exactly a year after his first 5k, he ran another one and finished in 27:56. YOU READ THAT RIGHT. He freakin’ rocked that 5k beating his previous time by 5 minutes!!
He has his sights set on running a half marathon and has been training for it the past couple of months. He sends me pics of his long runs–5 miles one week, 6 miles another week, and I’ve seriously been the most proudest sister ever.
I have to see him run this half.
Soooooooo, my awesome, amazing, I’m-so-freakin-lucky-to-have-him husband bought me tickets to go see him run!!! In Ohio!!
I have no idea if my brother reads my blog. I don’t think he does. He doesn’t know I’m going!
I did call my sister though, to kinda help with logistics, and she suggested I run it too! She’s running it, and she said it would benfun for all of us to start together and give my brother a sibling send off.
You guys, I’m so insanely excited about this.
5. Birthday girl
Finally, the best good thing…
my daughter turned 3 yesterday ❤
Her party is tomorrow and seriously, I can’t believe how fast these 3 years have gone by. I have a 3 year old and this summer, I’ll have a 2 year old as well!! Gahh!!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend (with great weather!)!!
❤ , helly
–Share something GOOD with me!! What’s going on your awesome life right now??
–Have you participated in the Flying Pig Marathon? Tell me everything.