Taper Time and PRO Compression Socks Winner!

I’m officially in taper mode as my European half marathon approaches. I can’t believe that on Friday we’ll be getting on a plane to Spain!

eeek! :)

eeek! 🙂

Last week was 37 mile week! It seemed to accumulate without me even realizing it but oh do I feel it now. I took Sunday and Monday off to rest mi legs but will do my 6.2sday today and keep it chill.

Yesterday was such an emotional day. If you didn’t catch the Boston Marathon, youtube or find video highlights. It was absolutely amazing. I was able to watch it from the very beginning and even my daughter knew something special was happening as she took a break from playing to catch a glimpse of Rita Jeptoo making her way to the finish line.



I know you all are ready for the Pro Compression giveaway winner! Thank you all so much for entering–this was my biggest giveaway to date!

Okay, here we go…..Congratulations…..JOY CHAMBERS!! You are the winner of a FREE pair of marathon Pro Compression socks. Check your e-mail for details from me.

Remember that everyone here is a winner. Use the code BLG14 fora 40% discount. Pretty sweet! Sign up for the Sock of the Month to get even more deals.

I hope everyone has a good day!


–Were you able to watch the Boston Marathon yesterday? What was most exciting for you?

Chubby Bunny!! Adventure Run Fun

The third Thursday of the month Roadrunner Sports holds an Adventure Run. I went to my first one last month and talked about it. Yesterday, was my second time and this time I brought along my husband. I wanted him to take a glimpse into the sometimes questionable behavior of runners and we sure didn’t disappoint.

A quick recap of what the Adventure Run is all about. It’s basically an hour run where you try to go to as many places on that particular day’s map to get raffle tickets for awesome running related prizes–socks, fuel, clothing, and shoes! to name a few. Some places are close by, some places are 2 miles away. The goal is to get as many tickets as you can and make it back by the 7:30 cut off time. The Adventure Run requires a light since you’re basically running around town at night. Good times.

So, before the Adventure Run starts, there are several booths of different business, races, products advertising and wanting to show off their stuff. They entice you with raffle tickets. Nothing excites a runner than the opportunity for free running stuff. At these booths, like at the locations you visit during the run, requires you to perform a task. My husband watched as I did 5 one legged squats at one booth, and joined me for 10 pushups at another. (He did an extra 10 for extra tickets. Great guy!) He didn’t want to join me at the next booth.

Chubby Bunny!!

Two members of my running group were manning the Ragnar Trail Races booth. If you haven’t heard of Ragnar, you should definitely check it out. Ragnar Trail is a trail race like no other where you grab a few of your closest (or not) friends and run relay AT NIGHT for about 50 miles. Sounds fun right!? I’m hoping to do Ragnar Trail or the Ragnar Relay Series which will take me and my pals 200 miles across the state of Arizona. I can’t decide which one to do!

Anyway, at their booth they were giving away extra tickets to those who could stuff as many marshmallows in their mouth. This took me back to my childhood days where my brother and I stuffed insane amounts of gum in our mouths to see who could blow the biggest bubble. I could do this.

Me deciding if I should embarrass my husband or not

Me deciding if I should embarrass my husband or not

Alright, let's do this!

Alright, let’s do this!

Making room.

Making room.

5 jumbo marshmallows later...

5 jumbo marshmallows later…

I didn’t win unfortunately but I did hold my own and managed to score a few extra tickets lol!

After the marshmallow event, my husband and I took a pre-run pic:

LOVE when we can run together!

LOVE when we can run together!

And we were off!

5.25 miles later and without a minute to spare, we were done. These were no easy miles either as my average pace ended up being 8:55.

There was a good crowd waiting for the raffle to start and while my running group had several winners, my husband and I went home empty handed 😦 We had a great time though and laughed at ourselves quite a bit and that absolutely made everything worth it 🙂


–How many marshmallows can you squeeze in your mouth? Go ahead and try it, I’ll wait…

–What funny/interesting/out-of-the-ordinary game(s) have you won?

Don’t forgot, your chance to score a FREE pair of marathon PRO Compression socks is HERE!!



100th Post=Pro Compression Socks Giveaway!!

It’s crazy that I’ve reached the 100th post milestone. Technically this is 101, but hey, I’m in the triple digits 🙂

So in celebration, I’m giving a away a pair of socks!

Cue memories of opening Christmas presents and being sad when they were socks.


These aren’t any random pair of socks though. These. Are. Awesome!

You might have heard of compression socks and the benefits of wearing them. They help increase blood flow in your legs, reduce swelling and inflammation, and are great for muscle recovery. I’ve been known to wear my sleeves under my pants during winter lol!

So I’ve tried the sleeve version of compression socks–these you slip them on over your feet so it hits around your ankle. (This is no easy feat by the way–sorry, couldn’t help myself. I’ll be here all week.)

Calf Sleeve (Source)

Calf Sleeve

My good friends at Pro Compression sent me the regular sock version to try out and I was so very excited.

Here I am sporting them at the track:


I’m not usually a bright color gal but I LOVE these. I like to think of them as Phoenix Suns orange (who didn’t make the playoffs by the way 😦 )

Wanna try a pair? Want to OWN a pair? Enter for a chance to score some sweet Pro Compression socks in the color of your choice!

First, make sure you click on the Rafflecopter link below. Then, comment on how you like to recover after a run or race. (I love to kick my pro compression clad legs up and drink a coke)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more entries:

1. Like Helly on the Run on Facebook.
2. Like PRO Compression on Facebook.
3. Follow Helly on the Run on Twitter.
4. Follow PRO Compression on Twitter.
5. Tweet about the giveaway.
6. Follow Helly on the Run on Instagram.

Good luck! And hey, everyone’s a winner here. If you want your socks NOW, use the code BLG14 at checkout for 40% off! Go to their website and start shopping 🙂 Be sure to check out their Sock of the Month at the bottom of their homepage and sign up for great deals!

Fine print:
The giveaway will on Tuesday at midnight and I’ll announce that morning.
Ships U.S. only
Void where prohibited by law


I did receive my socks courtesy of Pro Compression. My opinions on their product are honest and forthright. I have tried other similar products but wholeheartedly prefer Pro Compression for the quality.