I didn’t run RnR Arizona as most of you know, but my husband did and I was still very excited about this race because of that reason and several others.
I’ve been very lucky to have met several blogger buddies and this past weekend I was able to scratch two more off my long list!
I found Suzy last year and it was love at first read. She swears a lot (which I do in real life–right, Scott?) and often when I read her blog, I’m just nodding at how much I relate to what she’s saying. If only I was as fast as her….oh wells! 😀
Anyway, we Facebooked messaged leading up to the race to figure out how we could meet up. She’s from Canada so we couldn’t text so thank goodness for technology. I managed to sneak away to the expo Friday so I could catch her–my husband wouldn’t be going til the next day.
And as I was walking in, she was walking out–as soon as our eyes met, we squealed!

Suzy and me
She’s so pretty. She’s beautiful in her writing, but in person… ❤
The next day, Saturday, I went back to the expo this time with my husband. I was texting with Mar all morning to make sure we met up and as I looked up mid-text, there she was! Oh man, had I been waiting for this day! I somehow missed Mar when I was in her hood for Marine Corps Marathon and we vowed to not let the chance escape us this time. We seriously chatted for almost an hour there at the expo like we’d known each other forever–which 2 years in the blog world kinda is, lol!

Me and Mar
At the expo, they had a special for next year’s race and since this is a race we always do (it was both of our first half marathon) we signed up!

First race of 2017! (wow, lol!)
I hit the Lululemon booth and snagged these really cute shorts
and used a coupon they gave to buy some pants 🙂
The ProCompression booth was nearby so I was able to visit my Instagram buddy Shane. He is super sweet!
Race day was the next day and my husband and I ventured out early in the morning. We’re pros at this race as it’s become a yearly thing for us. I wanted to get there a little earlier than usual though, because I was hosting a meet up spot for the Arizona Moms Run This Town chapters. We had a good group turn out for the pre-race photo and it was so much fun meeting women from different chapters around Phoenix.

Arizona Moms Run This Town
After, I walked my husband to his corral, corral 2, and he was off! I waited along the corral fences holding my sign and cheered the runners as they started. I even got to see Mar again! I waited til the very last corral, corral 19, and had an absolute blast. Some people recognized the MRTT name and posed with my sign as they waited for their start. It was so cool!
My husband had been running for about 30 minutes when the last corral started. The start line and the finish line are just under a mile apart so I began making my way there to catch him.
Thanks to tracking, I knew how much time I had before he’d be approaching the finish. I was able to catch him turn the 13 mile corner and he waved to me as he ran to the finish line.
We took a post race pic and hung out for a while and then we went home! It was such a fun weekend that I hardly noticed I didn’t race 😉 (you guys know that’s not true, lol!)

He let me keep his medal ❤
How was your running weekend?
Have you met bloggers/social media friends at races?
Have you had fun at races you were supposed to run but didn’t? 😀