I know this is late, but can I still get some credit for this?
Oh boy, to say it’s been tough adjusting is an understatement. Going back to work, two toddlers, and a traveling husband has made training that much harder lol! I still try to be productive though, so there’s that. 🙂
Monday I took the day off. I should’ve gotten on the bike….but I didn’t.
Tuesday I met up with some friends for a run. Most though, did 3 miles, but I added another for funsies. It was a hot one at 102 degrees but I managed a good pace of 9:29 and that pleased me.
Wednesdays are track days and these have been tough. I get so caught up socializing that by the time I actually start my workout, the hour is almost up and I gotta go home. I managed 2 miles of speed work and I had to go.
It was another 102 degree run on Thursday for my 5 miler but again, I was still able to maintain a great pace of 9:24 and I was happy. I started my run an hour later than usual and I really feel that helped–not having the sun hovering that is.
Friday was my usual rest day and it was spent thinking about
my long run Saturday. I had a 2:45 a.m. alarm wake-up. Yes, you read that right. I was gonna be meeting up with other crazies at 3:30 for an 18 miler. The plan was to run 8 by 5 o’clock to meet up with the rest of our run club.
Those 8 miles went by without a hitch and I was feeling good. It was humid as all hell but I managed to get by and still maintain a good long, slow distance pace.
I reached the meet-up spot just before 5 a.m. where I stopped to wait for everyone to arrive. It was about a 10 minute or so break and I wondered how this would affect the rest of my run. I had felt that I was on a roll (despite the last 3 miles being on the slower end of my LSD pace) and was warmed up.
It wasn’t too long before we got going but sure enough, I could feel the break messing with my mojo and I struggled the first few miles.
It helped having my crew though. I had convinced 3 of my buddies to run 10 miles with me (none of them are training for anything!) and keep me company. They were amazing at keeping me going after that rough start.
I got back in my groove when we headed turned around after the 5 mile mark (mile 13 for me) and the last 5 of my 18 felt great. This made me so happy since it was at the end of my run and then Runner Jenny even convinced me to run my last mile fast–Mile 18, 9:32!! Boo-yah!!
I was on cloud nine especially when I thought about last week’s awful 12 miler. This one was such a confidence booster! I took no breaks the first 8 miles I ran solo and in the 10 miles following, I stopped twice– once for a potty break and once to fuel (the other times I fueled, I did it on the run). It was important for me to not stop a lot as I want to practice running continuously. So I’ve been training fueling on the run and preparing myself mentally to minimize any stopping.
When I got home, my husband had a fabulous ice bath ready for me and luckily, I didn’t feel too bad the rest of the day. I was even able to squeeze in a 2 mile run the following day, Sunday.
Overall, it was a great week (31.16 miles) and one I really needed after a previous week on the struggle bus. Now, I’m almost done with Week 12 and Chicago is getting closer and closer! Eeeep!!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Who’s long running? Who’s racing?? ❤ , helly
–Do you take stop breaks during long runs?
–What’s the earliest you’ve woken up to go run?
My legs are cramping up just reading this. Awesome job chica!!!
Thank you!!! xoxo
Those are nice paces for 100+ degrees. I wilt.
I try to minimize breaks during long runs because the clock doesn’t stop in a race and it really is a different beast running a pace continuously vs with breaks. But if I take breaks, I don’t beat myself over it. I needed them and that was that.
Exactly. The clock doesn’t stop. THE reason why I prefer not stopping and like to practice that in my training. But if I need it, I need it and all is good 🙂
Dang, good work my friend, especially in that HEAT! What a wonderful hubby to have an ice bath waiting 🙂 you’re doing good mama!
Thanks Mar!!! I don’t know about these fall marathons, lol!!! Might be my last (but NYC….gah!)
I still cannot believe you woke up in the twos to run. Whenever I feel like a whiny McWhiny pants, I think about how hardcore you are and then I pull up my big girl panties and get it done. You are such an inspiration! Congratulations on a great week, and a fantastic long run!
Thanks, Suz!!! I kinda can’t believe it either but I’m totally of the mentality of “you gotta do whatcha gotta do!” 😀
Getting it even in the craziness that is your life. Right now I’m getting up at 430 to run down to the store to then run with the group. And tomorrow it is supposed to rain and pour. BAH
Go girl!!! #yougotthis
I cannot believe you got up that early. But kudos to you – totally worth it when you’re not suffering through humidity… and after those miles, you don’t even need a reason to nap!
I kinda can’t believe I woke up that early either, lol! I’ll have to do it again for my 20 miler
I totally get the working full days, 2 kids and trying to train while your husband is away. I paid our babysitter twice this week so I could avoid the treadmill! The things we do! I have an early morning run this weekend but won’t be up as early as you were – well done on that one! 5 am is the earliest I’ve been up.
I’ve totally considered a babysitter lol!!! My mid-week runs have to be short b/c I don’t have a lot of time after work and before kid pick up.
I don’t know how early I have gotten up to run but it was NOT 2:45!!!! Girl, you are dedicated! I know for sure I have gotten up at 4am for races before but I don’t think I have ever crept into the 3 o’clock hour!
I am back at work too. My workouts were fine until this morning- I was EXHAUSTED. I lifted but I did not hit the marks I usually do. I wonder why?? Haha
Right??!!!! This back to work business is brutal!
Can you believe how close we’re getting? Ugh, first 20 miler tomorrow – eeeek!
Bummer it didn’t go as planned but hey, we get a do-over right!? LOL
Can’t wait to meet ya!
I don’t know how you do it all. You are amazing. I hate taking breaks in my long runs. It makes me feel sluggish both physically and mentally. Chicago is so fun and I am so excited for you! I’m just getting back into running and miss coaching my team on these long runs. I love Chicago training and everything about race weekend.
Totally feel ya on the stopping which is why I want to focus on not.
I seriously cannot wait for Chicago!! We need to start setting up a meet up plan!!! 😀
I’ve been doing more cross training lately…as in starting again..ha. I totally thought of you when I was super bored on the bike. You’ve been rocking those Monday’s, so I say give yourself a break :). I don’t stop during long runs, unless it’s for bathroom breaks. But, a few summers ago, I literally stopped on every single long run. I think it was definitely a mental thing. And starting again after stopping for a bit is so hard! Earliest wake-ups are 4:00 for me, you’re amazing for that 2:45 :O
I miss you!!!!
Yeah, stopping and starting is tough and I try very hard to not do it unless I have to go potty as well
Your training is going so well! You’re really inspiring me as my training is just beginning.
I get up around 4:15 on school days to run. Because I’m insane. I do stop sometimes during long runs…but really only if I have to use the bathroom!
I wish I could run before work but I’ve got this damn commute 😦
Dang girl, that is early!! I’m impressed. I don’t think I could get up earlier than 4 to go run!! And way to get it done in such hot temps! I have no idea how you do it!
It’s funny b/c I still feel like I could be doing more….oh being a runner…LOL
I’m dying inside about your 2:45 am wakeup call–ouch! But way to get it done, Missy. I’m so impressed with all you got in with how busy you are!
Thanks!! Hoping it pays off 😀
I love your opening picture. Because I am so late in reading this. I’m trying desperately to get caught up BUT this whole going back to school thing…YUCK! I will be better in a few weeks. That being said, you are doing awesome!! Especially while adjusting to the new school year. Whew! And for once, today my heat and humidity beats yours. LOL. Except you deal with way worse all summer long…and that is going to be my inspiration to make myself run after work!!!
I totally thought about you and hoped your first week went well!!!
Thank you!!! I think it may take me awhile to adjust. On the bright side, we are one day closer to summer break! 🙂
Jaja!!! You’re right!!
2:45, my goodness!! I guess you gotta do what you gotta do when you live in AZ though 😀 The earliest I’ve gotten up is 4:30 to run, so you’ve got me beat by a good hour & 45 min lol.
I’m totally guilty of stopping to fuel on my LSD runs. If my long run has some sort of workout to it, be it long intervals, or MGP miles, then I’ll fuel on the run. But I should do like you and fuel on the run as much as I can. (but dang it’s hard to say goodbye to those little breaks!)